Volumising products in the face

Volumizing products in the face in Uccle, Brussels

Restoring Volume to the Face

Aging of the face is essentially characterised by a cutaneous relaxation and loss of fat reserves, leading to the gradual hollowing of the face, and consequently the appearance of wrinkles and folds.By restoring volume beneath the skin, we are able, entirely naturally, to change a hollow worn-out face into a rounder one, a sign of good health and femininity.

La seringue plutôt que le bistouri ?

The syringe rather than the scalpel ?

– Your own fat, but it will be gradually absorbed in a few months, and this despite of all the manipulations that can be made beforehand.
– Polylactic acid, a synthetically produced product, however this requires numerous treatment sessions and several months to attain the result.
– Hyaluronic acid, also synthetically produced, a volumising product much more powerful and long-lasting.

Hyaluronic acid : a volumising product

Hyaluronic acid is the best volumizing product which, is deeply injected into the skin, drives tissue and skin towards the surface and in this way improves support and tone at skin level. All this will contribute to give your face a rounder, firmer appearance, just like it used to be.

One (or up to three) treatment sessions spaced two weeks apart, according to the volume desired, are required to achieve the end result.

Small injections are carried out under local anaesthetic.

Bruising along with slight swelling and localised sensitivity may occur for a few days.

The result lasts for around eighteen months.

A maintenance session may be arranged before this time elapses if the patient so desires.

A careful study of each patient’s face, accompanied by the profound aesthetic sense of the practitioner along with a perfect knowledge of the product and injection techniques guarantee a truly thrilling result.

+32 2 374 96 96